
life lately & weekly wishes | 5.12

Follow Britt D.'s board in case i'm back in a dorm... on Pinterest.
the rando board that i'm now super glad i created a while ago ;)

loving | aimee's new photography blog. she is so talented, and i can only hope i can catch that through osmosis via my keyboard.
listening to | it's about time x young the giant. young the giant is my favorite band (just throwing that out there for anyone who may be wanting to shower me with gifts one day...)
missing | my daddy! it's his birthday today and i can't jump on him and annoy him to no end like i usually do when he's one year older!!!!
reading | if beale street could talk by james baldwin and ordinary people by judith guest
thankful for | change. i am so ready to move on to something new, and i am eternally grateful that my chance has finally arrived!

last week's progress: 
hang up/put away my laundry. nope.
write seven thank you notes to students or staff members.
spend 5 minutes each day cleaning my apartment. nope.
start strong on the 21-day intuitive eating challenge! 4/7 days were successful IE days.
complete the daily 30-day beach body challenge workout.
don't end up upside down in a gutter with a sombrero on my foot. but only because i'm a sad old lady that didn't even go out on cinco de mayo *pout*
this week's wishes:
write seven thank you notes to students or staff members.
complete the daily 30-day beach body challenge workouts.
continue intuitive eating.
pay 1/3 of credit card off.

i'm not even going to pretend like the cleaning goals are going to happen this week. this upcoming week is going to be ridic, but the following week is testing. testing = no planning/grading = free nights to clean!

The Nectar Collective

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